30 Universal Strategies For Learning

  1. Challenge something
  2. Make an observation
  3. Draw a conclusion
  4. Question something
  5. Revise a question based on observation & data
  6. Critique something
  7. Explain the significance
  8. Revise something
  9. Transfer a lesson or philosophical stance from one situation to another
  10. Improve a design
  11. Identify a cause and effect
  12. Compare and contrast two or more things
  13. Create and test models and theories
  14. Separate causes from symptoms
  15. Identify the primary and secondary causes of a problem
  16. Narrate the nuanced history of a concept, theory, idea, problem, or opportunity
  17. Adapt something for a new need or circumstance
  18. Make a prediction and observe what occurs
  19. Explain the significance
  20. Narrate a sequence
  21. Study and visually demonstrate nuance
  22. Identify and explain a pattern
  23. Study the relationship between text and subtext
  24. Elegantly emphasize nuance
  25. Emphasize what others commonly misunderstand about an idea
  26. Critically evaluate a socially-accepted idea
  27. Extract a lesson from nature
  28. Take & defend a position
  29. Record notes during and after observation of something
  30. Form a theory & revise it based on observation and/or data

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