Choose Topic Worth Knowing Choose Method Of Framing Choose Specific Outcome
It could be argued—and probably argued well—that what a student fundamentally needs to know today isn’t much different than what Tom Sawyer or Joan of Arc or Alexander the Great needed to know. Communication. Resourcefulness. Creativity. Persistence. How true this turns out to be depends on how macro you want to get. If we want…
32 Habits That Make Thinkers 1. Doesn’t always seek to please others 2. Is a charismatic listener 3. Can learn from anything 4. Asks “Why?” almost annoyingly 5. Is comfortable with uncertainty 6. Writes for their own understanding, not performance 7. Values questions over answers 8. Thinks laterally, endlessly connecting this to that, here to…
A Complete Logical Fallacies List With Examples For Critical Thinking contributed by Owen M. Wilson, University of Texas El Paso A logical fallacy is an irrational argument made through faulty reasoning common enough to be named for the nature of its respective logical failure. The A Priori Argument Also: Rationalization; Dogmatism, Proof Texting A corrupt argument…